"AC chopper with near unity power factor.
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Article : [ART390]

Info : REPONSE 22, le 06/04/2003.

Titre : AC chopper with near unity power factor.

Cité dans : [DIV393]  Recherche sur les SINGLE PHASE AC CHOPPER, mars 2003.
Auteur : Batshone, F.L. (University Coll of Wales, Swansea, Wales)
Auteur : Khanniche, M.S.

Meeting : Proceedings of the 1995 30th Universities Power Engineering Conference.Part 2 (of 2).
Location : London, UK
Date : 05 Sep 1995-07 Sep 1995

Source : Proceedings of the Universities Power Engineering Conference v 2 1995.University of Greenwich, London, UK.p 705-708
CODEN : 002221
Année : 1995
Meeting_Number : 44045
Document_Type : Conference Article
Treatment_Code : Theoretical
Language : English
Stockage :
Switches :
Power :
Software :

Abstract :
Harmonics injection into the power system has become a major problem, due to the large increase of industrial usage of power
electronic related equipment such as, power converters. In addition, the input power factor of most of these equipment is poor. One
potential method for suppressing harmonics and compensating for reactive power is active power filtering which consists of a power
electronic system that injects an appropriate compensating current into the AC line.In this paper a control algorithm for a
single-phase active power filter, based on the calculation of the real part of the fundamental load current is proposed. The proposed
algorithm can maintain the input power factor close to unity and force the waveshape of the mains current to a sinusoid under
distorted or non distorted mains voltage. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can compensate for the reactive
power and suppress the harmonics of the load effectively.(Author abstract) 9 Refs.

Accession_Number : 1996(6):5132 COMPENDEX

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