Reduced Harmonics PWM Controlled Line-Side Converter for Electric Drives
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Article : [ART004]

Titre : Reduced Harmonics PWM Controlled Line-Side Converter for Electric Drives

Cité dans : [ART107]  A Near Unity Power Factor Input Stage with Minimum Control Requirements for AC Drive Applications
Auteurs : Joachim Holtz, Lothar Springob,

Revue : IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications
Volume : 29
Numéro : 4
Date : juillet-aout 1993
Pages : 814 à 819

Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Info. : 10 références
Mots_clés : loi de commande décrite, CV à absorption sinusoidale, redresseur à découpage, source tri_phasée, résultats expérimentaux,

Puissance : 70 KW.
Switches : Darlington 150 Amax à 750 Hz / 660 V 60

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  [2] :  [ART006]  A Comparative Evaluation of Harmonic Reduction Techniques in Three-Phase Utility Interface of Power Electronic Loads.
  [3] :  [ART007]  J. HOLTZ, S.F. SALAMA, Megawatt GTO_inverter with three-level PWM control and regenerative snubber circuits, PESC'88, April 1988, pp. 1263-270.
  [4] :  [ART008]  A. NABAE, I. TAKAHASHI, H. AKAGI, A new neutral-point-clamped PWM inverter, IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, Vol. 17, No. 5, sept.-oct 1981, pp. 518-523.
  [5] :  [ART009]  J.K. STEINKE, Control of a neutral-point-clamped PWM inverter for hight power ac traction drives, PESC'88, July 1988, pp. 214-217.
  [6] :  [ART010]  A. BUSSE, J. HOLTZ, Multiloop control of a unity power factor switching ac to dc converter, PESC, 1982, pp. &171-1179
  [7] :  [ART011]  An ac-dc-converter with low mains current distortion and minimized conducted emissions

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