APEC 2006 Logo

March 19–23, 2006
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Dallas, Texas
The Premier Global Event In Power Electronics™

Arranging A Meeting At APEC 2006

APEC 2006 controls all of the meeting space in the Hyatt Regency and works with the hotel to allocate that space. Meeting space will only be allocated for meetings directly affiliated with one of the sponsors or with an Exhibitor. Requests for meeting space from any other organization will be denied.

Also please note that no meetings will be scheduled during the Plenary Session and meetings while the Exhibit Hall is open will be limited based on the number of attendees and duration.

Sponsor Related Meetings

The first priority is given to meeting space for functions that are directly affiliation with one its sponsoring organizations: Power Sources Manufacturers Association (PSMA), IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) or the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS).

If your function is directly related to one of the sponsoring organizations, send your request to your Society's administrator or the PSMA executive offices. Include in your request the number of people expected, the duration of the meeting, the preferred time of the meeting, any audio/visual/phone service/data communications service/easel/projectors equipment that will be needed, any food service that will be needed and any other special requests. Each sponsor's administrator will combine the requests and serve as a single point of contact between the each of the sponsors and the APEC Conference Managers. The APEC Conference Managers will schedule the meetings and make all arrangements with the hotel.

Exhibitor Related Meetings

Exhibitors may request meeting space from APEC on a first-come, first-served basis. Please send your request to the Exposition Manager who will coordinate with the conference and the hotel to arrange your meeting space, if available. Include in your request the number of people expected, the duration of the meeting, the preferred time of the meeting, any audio/visual/phone service/data communications service/easel/projectors equipment that will be needed, any food service that will be needed and any other special requests. Billing for the meeting room, catering and A/V services and any other charges will be the direct responsibility of the organization booking the room. No charges will be allowed to APEC's accounts.


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Site Maintained by: Bob White, APEC Webmaster
URL: http://www.apec-conf.org/APEC06_Meetings.html
Original: 08 Oct 2005, Modified: 28 Oct 2005