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March 19–23, 2006
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Dallas, Texas
The Premier Global Event In Power Electronics™

Instructions For Professional Education Seminar Presenters

What You Need To Do As A Prefessional Education Seminar Presenter

There are four basic things that you have to do as an APEC Professional Education Seminar presenter:

  • Prepare your seminar for publication in the APEC Seminar Workbooks

  • Prepare your seminar for presentation at the conference

  • Complete and return the honorarium information and registration forms

  • Show up at APEC and deliver the seminar

Preparing Your Seminar For Publication In The APEC Seminar Workbooks

Everyone who registers for the APEC Professional Education Seminars receives printed copies of all 18 seminars. This is very popular with APEC semianr attendees ans they can see in afvance which seminars they want to see as well have a reference of all the seminars that were presented.

You are required to prepare your seminar in advance and submit it in advance for publication in the APEC seminar workbooks.

For publication in the seminar workbook, your presentation must be prepared in a two slide per page format and submitted in Adobe Acrobat format. If you have a problem with these requirements, please contact the APEC offices as soon as possible to explore possible arrangements.

The nominal limit is 100 slides (which is 50 pages or 25 sheets of paper when printed double-sided). The page limit is imposed to control costs. If you need more than 100 slides, contact the APEC 2006 offices as soon as possible to make your request for permission to have more than 100 slides. Requests for more than 100 slides may or may not be granted.

Your presentation will be printed in black and white. Please make sure that the color scheme for your slides allows your seminar materials to be easily read and understood when printed in back and white. APEC suggests that you do a test printing of your seminar materials on a high quality black and white laser printer before submitting them to APEC.

The deadline to submit your seminar materials to the APEC offices is Friday, January 13, 2006. Failure to submit your materials by this deadline may result in your seminar being withdrawn from the APEC 2006 seminar program.

Presenting Your Seminar At The Conference

The preferred method of presenting your seminar is through computer projection. APEC will provide a lapel microphone, a LCD projector, a screen and a power outlet. You are responsible for providing the computer.

If you will need an overhead projector to show tansparencies, or any other ausio-visual equipment needs, please contact the APEC offices no later than February 3, 2006 with your request. APEC will consider your request and it may or may not be granted.

APEC recommends that Professional Education Seminar presenters be in the seminar room and starting to set up, including testing their computer with the provided projector, at least 30 minutes before the start of the seminar.

APEC suggests that you review our tips and suggestions for making a successful presentation.

APEC's Right To Review And Require Changes

Your seminar materials will be reviewed by APEC. Presentations that do not fit the topic or are overly commercial may require changes at APEC's discretion. You agree to make the requested changes or to withdraw your presentation.


Professional Education Seminar presenters retain the copyright to their material. However, by submitting your seminar materials to APEC you agree to permit APEC to publish the seminar in the APEC 2006 Seminar Workbooks and to sell or otherwise distribute these workbooks through the APEC registration process or at the conference itself.

Honorarium Information

The honorarium for each seminar is one complimentary full registration and a monetary payment of US$1800.00. The conference registration must be used by one of the presenters and cannot be divided among multiple people or given to a third party. The cash honorarium can be divided among the presenters as they so choose. Honorarium payments can only be made to a seminar presenter (or in the name of a company in which they are the sole proprietor or owner) and cannot be paid to a third party.

The monetary honorarium will be paid by check at the conclusion the seminar. Each person receiving a monetary honorarium should go the APEC Registration Desk after the comclusion of their seminar to collect their check. They will be asked to produce identification and be asked to sign a receipt indicating that they have received the amount due.

In order for payment to be issued, the the corresponding presenter must notify APEC of how the monetary honorarium is to be divided and who gets the complimentary registration. In addition, each person receiving a monetary payment must complete the relevant payment and taxpayer identification forms. These forms are available in one Adobe Acrobat document.

The deadline for returing the APEC honorarium information and payment forms is December 23, 2005.


If you have any questions about preparing your seminar for the workbook, presenting at the conference or the honorarium, contact the APEC offices.


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Site Maintained by: Bob White, APEC Webmaster
URL: http://www.apec-conf.org/APEC06_Instructions_Seminar.html
Original: 08 Oct 2005, Modified: 30 Oct 2005