APEC 2006 Logo

March 19–23, 2006
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Dallas, Texas
The Premier Global Event In Power Electronics™

APEC 2006 Exposition

Admission To The APEC 2006 Exposition Is FREE!

Key words about the APEC 2006 Exposition: BE THERE! DON'T MISS IT!

There should be no problem finding time in your APEC schedule to see the exhibits because there are no papers being presented during the exhibit hours—that is how important the Exposition is at APEC.

During Exhibition hours, conference attendees can spend quality time with key technical staff of the exhibiting companies. NEW this year is the High Voltage Zone, where the high-voltage component suppliers share an aisle to better serve design engineers in this specialty.

The exhibition is simply the place to be during exhibit hours. Food and drink further reinforce this! Not only is this the place for getting product information, but also it's the place to renew acquaintances with colleagues and share your thoughts about the latest technical topics.

Exhibitors understand the needs of APEC attendees, and have the information and staff available to answer the tough questions. Many have live, hands-on demonstrations in their booths, so the design engineers visiting them can really get below the surface and learn about new products to help them succeed. Sure, many of the major vendors make special in-house presentations to the engineers in their larger customer accounts. But, as a design engineer, you need to see the bigger picture. The APEC 2006 Exposition is the place!

Entrance to the Exhibition is open to all conference attendees, including holders of the free Exhibits Only registration!

Exposition Hours

The Exposition, located in the Marsalis Hall on the lower level of the Hyatt Regency hotel, will open on Monday, March 20 when the Plenary Session concludes (expected to be about 5:30 PM. Additional hours are as follows:

  • Monday, March 20, 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM

  • Tuesday, March 21, Noon - 5:00 PM

  • Wednesday, March 22, 10:15 AM - 2:00 PM

Exposition Directory

The Exposition Directory, which will be available at the conference, will give a complete listing of the Exhibitors, a map of the Exhibit Hall, details of the Exhibitor Seminars and other events in the Exhibit Hall.

Exhibitor Seminars

Several of the companies participating in the Exposition will be offering Exhibitor Seminars. These 30 minute seminars generally offer an in-depth look at solving one or more problems common to the industry. The descriptions of the Exhibitor Seminars will be in the Exposition Directory, available at the conference. The Exhibitor Seminars are planned for:

Tuesday, March 21

Session 1: 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Session 2: 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Session 3: 3:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Session 4: 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Wednesday, March 22

Session 5: 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Session 6: 11:15 AM - 11:45 AM

Interested In Exhibiting At APEC 2006?

The APEC 2006 Exposition has sold out and no more booths are expected to be available. If you are interested in participating in the APEC 2007 Exposition, please contact the APEC Exposition Manager.

For the details on exhibiting at APEC 2006, please see the APEC Web page Exhibiting At APEC. This page has answers to just about any question you could ask about exhibiting at APEC 2006. Then, when you are ready to sign up for a booth, please contact the APEC Exposition Manager:

Ms. Pamela Wagner
APEC Exposition Manager
2025 M Street, NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036 USA
Phone: +1-202-973-8664
Fax: +1-202-331-0111
Email: exhibits@apec-conf.org


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Site Maintained by: Bob White, APEC Webmaster
URL: http://www.apec-conf.org/APEC06_Exposition.html
Original: 08 Oct 2005, Modified: 04 Feb 2006