APEC 2006 Logo

March 19–23, 2006
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Dallas, Texas
The Premier Global Event In Power Electronics™

Exhibit Survey And Giveaway

To help the Exhibitors and us continually improve the APEC Exposition, a survey is taken each year. Those who complete the survey form and return it at the entrance to the Exhibit Hall by 4:00 PM Tuesday afternoon are entered in a drawing for one of four prizes. As a winning survey form is drawn, the winner will choose a prize from the remaining ones, until all four have been awarded. These are significant prizes---a couple of years ago, the first prize was a Dell laptop. The drawing will take place in the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday, March 21st at 4:45 PM and you must be present to win! Don't miss this opportunity!


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Site Maintained by: Bob White, APEC Webmaster
URL: http://www.apec-conf.org/APEC06_Exhibit_Giveaway.html
Original: 08 Oct 2005, Modified: 27 Oct 2005